Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Séance on Monument Hill

I am not the only girl at Sweet Briar that gets spooked by the ghosts meandering around campus. All my friends have had at least one situation where they have been too scared to get out of bed to run to the bathroom-- freaked out that Daisy or some other sketchy spirit would grab their ankles as they jumped out of bed. Our first encounter with a ghost was in the fall of last year. My friends and I decided to go "ghost hunting". Being avid ghost enthusiasts we research online how to properly communicate with the spirit world. We took the literal route, bringing exactly what this online site told us to bring along for a successful séance. The following was a list of items packed for our adventure:
1. Ouija Board
2. Candles
3. A printed off “how to” pamphlet on séances, which included a mantra to read out loud that would let the spirits know that we wanted to contact them
We were preparing for the ultimate séance.
It was around 9 pm on a random weeknight. Walking up to monument hill was one of the most nerve racking and seriously freakish experiences. We all walked as fast as we could, staying close to each other. When we reached the gravesite we all began to hush each other, making sure the security officers wouldn’t see our flashlights. After a blanket was laid down, the preparation for the ghoul fest began. Sitting in a tight circle around the Ouija board lit only by candlelight, the four of us held hands and listened to Melanie recite out the pamphlet. The pamphlet read something like this: make sure to take deep breaths and calm your thoughts…clear your mind and be open for spirits to enter. Giggles were rampant for the first couple minutes. Skeptical that we would ever be able to concentrate, let alone call a ghost, became a possibility. Finally Melanie took charge and began to recite the mantra, and thus began our séance.
To intensify and truly illustrate our spooky experience I interviewed Alexis Parker. Below is her account of the séance.
"I started having verbal diarrhea and I felt like I was really drunk or something...It was weird. There was a really weird glow coming up towards us so we all screamed and ran like hell away from the Ouija board and candles. We were all laughing pretty hard thinking how ridiculous this was until we got back to the Ouija board and the candles had been blown out...That was probably when I started believing in ghosts around here."
Alexis' experience was a bit intense, and perhaps the “weird glow coming towards us” was a exaggeration. However what happened at Monument Hill that night was frightening. Lets just say that there are ghosts around here, and they love to make themselves known.

Spookily yours, Anne

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