Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Daisy and Indiana Fletcher

Being a student at Sweet Briar gives you the chance to experience and bring back spirits who once roamed this property. Many ghosts frequent Sweet Briar, Daisy and her mother Indiana Fletcher, are the two most commonly seen ghosts on campus.
There have been multiple documented sightings of both.
Many of the sightings have occurred in the extra bedrooms at the Sweet Briar house. Reportedly many years ago some faculty members resided in some of these extra rooms and frequently reported seeing and experiencing “visits” from both Daisy and Indiana.
One night in particular a faculty member was sitting in the west parlor of the plantation. While sitting in the parlor the faculty member said that the overhead chandelier began to turn on and off. She was reading using a floor lamp and had never turned on the chandelier. Over a dozen times the chandelier kept turning on and then immediately off. Aware of Daisy’s frequent hauntings the instructor immediately said “Daisy, stop playing with the lights!” The activity stopped immediately. The eerie thing about this story is that Daisy was known to have been a very obedient child.
This spooky story is one of many ghostly experiences documented. Now it is your turn to creep around and experience a spooky occurrence of your own.

Spookily yours, Anne Porter

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