Wednesday, February 20, 2008

How to hold a séance

I am not going to lie. Séances are very scary, and hard to pull off. Full concentration and a calm state of mind are needed. If you are interested in performing one, Sweet Briar has a handful of locations that would be ideal for holding a séance. There is living history. Whether it be the slave cemetery, the President’s house, Monument Hill, a dorm room, or anywhere on the property, someone had previously lived, played or maybe even died there.
Below are directions and tips on how to hold a successful séance.

How To:
There are three main factors that are necessary for a successful séance.
1. purpose
2. quality of the sitters
3. location

There must be a conducting medium. This is the person who presides over the séance. They must have already had experience in conducting séances. However a séance can still be performed even if no one has had experience, the outcome might not be as successful. The mediums job is to keep order and control throughout the entire séance.

The purpose for the séance must be decided before the meeting. All of the sitters must have the same thought in their minds of who they are trying to reach in the spirit world. You must rid your mind of all other thoughts and distractions. The most important thing is that you must maintain a “single energy”.

The sitters:
All sitters must want to participate. They must have the desire to want to be at the séance.
Silly people who giggle a lot are not good sitters, they must be positive and uplifting people. The sitters must also not “be grasping and groping for the connection, but rather, subjective and patient for whatever comes.” Love is also a key feature to a successful séance, there must be no hatred within the group.

There are two best types of location.
1. In a neutral location, free from outside disturbances, noises and interference.
2. In a location that has purpose. For example in the house of a deceased family member that you are trying to reach

The format of the Séance:
1. Everyone should be sitting in a close circle holding hands. The lights should be low, but not turned all the way off.
2. Playing some soft music in the background helps to relax participants. While the music is playing the medium should remind “all present that the love vibration carries communication and to invoke it now.” The medium should then read the purpose of a séance aloud.
3. Participants should be told that they do not have to accept any message or information that frightens them or is silly.
4. Allow 20 to 30 minutes for all participants to relax and think about loving remembrance. The medium then tells them aloud to open their eyes.
5. After a couple of minutes all participants should be alert. The medium should start anywhere in the circle and encourage everyone to share their experiences. “What you are looking for are profound information that has evidence of a connection within it. Look for duplicate messages, visions or feelings which are confirmations of a connection with a spirit.”

One thing you must remember is that you cannot expect a voice to suddenly speak to you. Relax, and wait for the spirits that want to communicate.

( this information is froméance.htm)

Spookily yours, Anne Porter

1 comment:

SweetWords said...

Very well put together (the writing and the web page layout). I like how your blog is very organized and easy to read.